My stack

You deserve to stay in your prime, maybe catch a second wind, and have a real chance to become a better version of yourself.
Name: Bryan Hardy
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 165
Age: 27
Origin: Canadian with English/Scottish roots
Occupation: Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, Educator and Podcast HostHealth Moment:
When I was 18 my appendix ruptured and was misdiagnosed. The resulting complications and recovery process invited me to take a deeper look and personal responsibility for my well-being or lack thereof.
2Chronic constipation (I believe this is present in most if not all appendicitis cases)
3Weak digestion
4Low libido and drive
What I Felt
When I was experiencing these health problems, I felt depressed, hopeless, fragile, and broken. Fortunately, this feeling gave way to hope and optimism as I learned how to embrace the lessons I was being offered.
I want to feel like I am at my peak because no one is going to do it for me and there’s a huge amount of ignorance and unnecessary suffering that need not continue. The times are changing fast and I’m dedicated to this movement and, as such, I’ve committed my time, energy, professional development, and lifestyle to enable and amplify these truths. I sacrifice my personal ego and my desires and I rather seek to be of service and contribute to the upliftment of the planet. I surrender my need for security and live by faith that what’s meant for me will be given to me to allow me to continue forward, regardless of if I see the path ahead.
I want to embody true vitality and well-being and share that with as many people as I can in the most effective and impactful way that I can.
My stack is designed to support energy, flow, creativity, and recovery.
- Yoga 2-3x per week
- Calisthenics 2-3x per week
- Biking/roller blading 1-2x per week
- Active B-Complex
- Adaptogenic Herbs
- Collagen
- Digestive Enzymes
- Protandim
- Alpha GPC
- Creatine
- Taurine
- Essential Amino Acids
- Iodine
- Food-Based Vitamin C
- Magnesium (topical and internal)
- CBD Oil
- Medicinal Mushrooms
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Reading
- Journalind
- Spooky2 Rife
- NuCalm
- BrainTap
- IR Sauna
- RedJuvenator
- Blue Blockers
- Rapid Release Pro II
- Ampcoil
- Biofeedback
- Bloodwork
- 23andMe
- QEEG Brain Map
- Basal Body Temperature
- Resting Pulse
- Gymnastics Strength Training
- Functional Patterns
- Adrenal Cocktail
- Leaf Source
- Thyroid and Liver
- TB 500
- BPC 157
- Clearing Meditations
- Aligning with Soul Rather Than Ego
- Stoicism
- Thyroid Panel
- Hair Mineral Analysis
- Heavy Metal Push Test
- Hormone Panel
- Complete Blood Chemistry
- Donating Blood to remove excess inorganic iron.
Name: Stefan Filippo
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 135 lbs
Age: 28
Origin: Australia (Italian Heritage)
Occupation: Full-time Naturopathy student, University Tutor, Freelance Health WriterHealth Moment:
When I had health challenges at 19 and felt a lack of clarity around them.
1Lack of energy. I would at times spend 14 hours or more in bed.
2Intense brain fog. I went from being one of the smartest in my high school, to hardly being able to retain any information.
3I lost 30-35 pounds in a couple of months, and I was already quite lean.
4Chronic joint pain.
5Really poor digestion. A lack of appetite, gas and bloating following meals.
What I Felt
I felt inadequate, insecure, depressed, fearful, frustrated, and like a victim.
I felt the need to constantly justify to people that I wasn’t lazy, I was just really unwell, though I didn’t know with what ailment.
I felt like I was missing out on so much of life. I missed a lot of social outings, scaled back my schooling, and could no longer go to the gym with my friends.
After months of seeing doctors and specialists with no answers or actionable steps to move forward, fear crept in. Was I always going to feel this awful?
I want to feel better than I ever have. I don’t believe I’ve been at my Prime yet.
I want to be full of calm, focused, creative energy and I want to channel this into becoming a fantastic Naturopath, educating and empowering the masses.
I want to feel freedom. The freedom that comes with the knowledge that my body can handle what I set my mind to.
I want to be unstoppable!
Working towards being a health practitioner, I feel it is extremely important to be the best role model I can for my future clients and lead by example.
I believe addressing the foundations is of the utmost importance when improving one's health. Nutrition and digestion, movement, sleep, stress management, detoxification, and working on root causes comes first.
- Daily Nature Walk
- Rebounding
- Corrective Exercises
- Qi Gong
- Bodyweight Training/Weights 1-3x per week
- Intermittent Fasting
- Metagenics CalmX
- Calcium D-Glucarate 3-4x per week
- Pectasol-C or Micronised Zeolites
- Tonic Herbs
- Liquid Herbal Extracts
- 6-Phase Meditation
- Journaling at east 1x per week
- Scheduling in White Spaces
- Buteyko Breathing
- Guitar
- Tech-Free Day 1x per 2 weeks
- At Least One Day Off 1x per 2 weeks
- Infrared Sauna
- Vielight 1-2x per week
- Joovv 2-3x per week
- Oura Ring
- 23andMe
- Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
- Increasing weight training
- NAD+
- Molecular Hydrogen
- BPC-157
- Marissa Peer Hypnotism
- Near Infrared Therapy
- Molekule
- Organic Acid Test
- Complete Digestive Stool Analysis
Name: Lauren Berlingeri
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 140
Age: 33
Origin: Canadian
Occupation: Co-Founder/Co-CEO of HigherDOSEHealth Moment:
I moved to New York to model and be this picture of perfect health, but I wasn't. It was hard for me to get the jobs I wanted because my skin was so bad.
1I was experiencing hormone issues
2I had bad skin, which was difficult to deal with as a model
3I felt miserable from the food drinks I was putting into my body
What I Felt
I used to be a fashion model and adopted all the bad habits of a model that was concerned about their size and not their health. I was on the diet coke and cigarettes diet for a couple years until I realized it wasn’t working for me. I was just miserable and had health issues. Whenever I did eat healthy, my mood always improved drastically, so I knew there was more to looking good than being skinny. When I moved to NYC I was so inspired by the city and wanted to be as successful as I could because otherwise, I would have to leave the Country. I decided to take my fate into my own hands and learn about health and wellness and ultimately how to take care of myself.
I wanted to feel like I loved myself. I wanted to feel confident that I was taking care of myself. I wanted to feel happy and I found that hard to achieve if I didn’t eat right.
To me, it is not a sacrifice because I really do love this lifestyle. It's addictive. Some days I don't feel like going to the gym etc but I know that once I'm there, it's going to set up my whole day.
My stack gives you a glimpse into the life of a busy biohacking female entrepreneur.
- Yoga 2x per week
- Pilates 2x per week
- Weight lifting 3x per week
- Stair stepper 2x per week
- Two types of probiotics
- Multivitamin
- Collagen powder
- Vitamin C powder
- Raw calcium
- 6 Phase Meditation
- HigherDOSE IR Sauna
- HigherDOSE IR Sauna Blanket
- Dry Brush
- Celery and cucumber juice
- Genetic testing for diet optimization
Name: Siim Land
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 175 lbs
Age: 24
Origin: Estonia
Occupation: Author, Speaker, Wellness CoachHealth Moment:
I became interested in optimizing physical and mental performance during my military service.
1In high school I wasn't able to perform at my potential.
2My diet made me feel lethargic.
What I Felt
Before I became interested in optimizing my physical and mental performance, I was eating a more regular diet. It made me feel more tired and slothful. I didn’t like it because I felt like it was standing in the way of me achieving my goals.
I want to be able to learn things faster. I also want to stay focused and energized all of the time and I think the ability to stay focused will help me learn faster. I also want to become more physically fit.
I'm willing to sacrifice leisure time, having fun, feeling comfortable, and social validation.
I act based on what the greatest version of myself would do.
- Calisthenics 3-4x per week
- Weights 1-2x per week
- Cardio 1-2x per week
- Vitamin D
- Creatine Monohydrate
- Cod Liver Oil
- Digestive Enzymes
- Magnesium
- Milk Thistle
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Adaptogenic Mushrooms
- Journaling
- Forest Bathing
- Meditation
- OURA ring
- Red Light Therapy daily
- Infrared Sauna 3-4x per week
- Finnish Sauna 1-2x per week
- Bemer Microcirculation Mat
- PEMF Sleeping Device
- 23andMe
- Mobility
- Yoga
- NAD+
- Electro Muscle Stimulation Device
- Organic Acid Test
- Gut Health Test
Name: Bob Troia
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 170 lbs
Age: 46
Origin: European American
Occupation: Technology EntrepreneurHealth Moment:
I always had a curious mind and always wanted to use data to optimize. There was a shift from my teenage years to adulthood when I started thinking about how to balance performance with longevity.
1I simply was not able to perform at my peak at work and wanted to be achieving more.
2I wanted to exercise more and hated not being able to find the time in my schedule to do it.
3I felt fatigued from my daily routine and my lack of time allocated to wellness.
What I Felt
I knew that I had big ambitions and I knew the workload that goes along with those ambitions. I began to worry that my body could not support those ambitions and that workload. It was scary to see my body catching up with me and not allowing me to perform at my peak in my work life.
I began noticing that not having the time to dedicate to physical and mental wellness were starting to catch up to me. I was feeling fatigued and I wanted to get a closer look and better understanding of what was going on in my body.
I want to feel like I am achieving peak performance in all areas of my life. Though it is difficult to reach on a constant basis, I want to do everything I can to maintain that high level of performance.
I want to have the energy I need to have for me to accomplish my professional and health goals.
Learning, knowing, and doing what is best for my body may be a short-term sacrifice, but if it allows for long-term wellbeing, then I do not see that as a sacrifice at all. This is my passion.
This is literally what I took today. As a biohacker, I rotate supplements and other optimization and wellness solutions. I cycle things through because there are things you need to supplement all the time and there are other things like Vitamin D that you only need to supplement certain times of the year.
- Strength training 2-3x/week - ARX Machine, Gymnastics Strength Training, Bodyweight
- Oxygen Training 1-2x/week (LiveO2)
- Cardio 2-3 times/week - CAR.O.L Bike and soccer
- Breathwork
- Cold Exposure
- Vitamins A, K, B-complex
- Trace Minerals
- Krill Oil/Fish Oil
- Collagen Products
- Essential Amino Acids
- Awesome Breathing (my app!)
- Wim Hof Breathing
- NanoVi
- Normatec
- Infrared Sauna
- Light Therapy
- Freestyle Libre
- Oura Ring
- Mouth Taping
- Viome
- InsideTracker
- DEXA Scan
- Chronomics
- BioHealth (Adrenal/Metabolic)
- Mobility Work
- NAD/NR (eventually)
- Neurofeedback
- DayTwo
- Peptides
- Dexcom G6
- Stem Cells
Name: Mark Hamade
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 165 lbs
Age: 45
Origin: Lebanon
Occupation: Private Equity, Speaker, Board Advisor, Executive CoachHealth Moment:
When I was paralyzed in a wheel chair, being 390 lbs, 7 surgeries, cancer stage 4. Regrettably, I didn't have the luxury of 1 health moment.
1Depression, sadness, and a lack of desire in everything I did.
2Pain, Pain and more pain in every part of my body.
3Looking at myself and thinking: is this how I am going to live my life?
What I Felt
I felt worthless and useless. I wasn’t born fat and I didn’t want to be fat. It’s embarrassing when you need an extender for the seat belt when you get on a plane. It’s sad when you can no longer fit in Gap clothing.
I think it’s important to be realistic. Leonidas had the mental and physical ability to rule a kingdom and in one battle take on 3,000 warriors and win but as more warrriors came, well, he just ran out of steam. If I can do that, I think that is a reasonable goal, yet tough to achieve.
Life is the most precious thing in this world for my family, those I love, and me. Any sacrifice necessary. No excuses.
My stack is long and it is a living document that changes depending on how I feel and I try everything separately to see if it helps or makes a difference.
- Weights 4x per week (Forged Training Methodology)
- Fasting 2x per week
- Cardio only when my Maltese dog requires exercise
- Rest 1 day per week
- Multivitamin
- Vitamin C
- Electrolytes
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
- Zero App
- Lose It App
- Whoop
- Cryotherapy
- Dry Needling Acupuncture
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Nutrient Testing
- Hormones
- Inflammation Panel
- Brain Panel
- Nutritional Panel
- Vitamins
Name: Alex Fergus
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 211 lbs
Age: 31
Health Moment:
Wanting to improve my sporting success, I figured the healthier I would be, the better I would perform. Unfortunately, all the health advice I followed was faulty, which led to a drop in performance and horrible health. It was at this point when I decided to get to the bottom of health.
1Rock bottom libido as a 23 year old
2Extreme exhaustion, despite being a fit gym-goer (I was a bodybuilding champion!)
3Gut and skin problems
What I Felt
This all made me feel horrible! It was also embarrassing to me. I was known as the “health and fitness guy” yet I was sick and exhausted.
I didn’t care as much about performance, and just wanted to feel healthy again. I want to raise a family and play with my children, not be sick. I gave up my sporting dreams (and they were big dreams) to improve my health.
I just got an email from a reader who called me a ‘sophisticated wolverine/Rambo guy’ – I guess that’s a good thing? But I can see why he said this – I try and live a natural, healthy life. I grow and farm most of the food my family eats, and I’m still big into training (for fun), but at the same time, I do use science and technology to improve my health and fitness – hence the sophisticated part of his label! For me it’s trying to find a balance.
I want to raise a family and play with my children, not feel sick.
My stack blends natural and healthy living with science and technology.
- 1 Full body strength training 1x week
- Farm living keeps me very active
- CoQ10 & PQQ
- Glutathione
- Magnesium
- Toco-Sorb
- Qualia Mind
- Four Sigmatic Mushroom Blend
- Creatine
- Visualization techniques (for goals)
- Practiced gratefulness
- Joovv Red Light 5x week
- Vielight 2x week
- Oura Ring
- Clearlight Sauna 2x week
- Samina Bed
- Chilipad (summer months)
- Humancharger (when traveling)
- Mouth taping
- Viome
- Letsgetchecked
- Eternus
- Saunaspace