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Is NAD+ The Anti-Aging Wonderdrug?

Would you take a pill to reverse aging? There has been a lot of hype surrounding nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and its ability to reverse cellular aging by repairing DNA and protecting cells against age-related decline. Here we delve into the facts behind the NAD+ hype, walk you through the science behind its function, discuss how … Continued

Create the Perfect Blackout Sleep Environment

We’ve heard it time and time again: sleep is crucial for optimal health. Research has come to the conclusion that being sleep deprived leads to issues with hunger management, kidney function, heart function, brain function, blood sugar regulation, and much more. The issues don’t stop with physical health; sleep deprivation can lead to problems with mental … Continued

Ghee vs Coconut Oil: Which is Better?

With the surge in popularity of the ketogenic and other high fat, low carb diets, some fats have gotten a lot of attention lately. Let’s look at two of the most popular fats: ghee and coconut oil. What are the similarities and differences between ghee and coconut oil? Is one better than the other? Any … Continued

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is any technique that involves the use of freezing or near-freezing temperatures as a form of therapy. From simple ice packs to whole-body cryotherapy chambers, various forms of cryotherapy have been in use for quite a while. Although cryotherapy is becoming increasingly popular, there is still much to learn about the true range of its … Continued

Research-Backed Stack for the 40-Year-Old Businessman

Introduction For men in their 40s, physiological changes may be slowly appearing. Certain hormones could be declining, sleep quality may change, and there could also be flagging energy levels. For the entrepreneur who wants to be on top of their game, this isn’t acceptable. This article will discuss what you can add to your stack … Continued

Ketamine Therapy Benefits

You may have seen mention of ketamine in the news recently, and in biohacking circles for a little while longer. This is because the FDA recently approved a new drug derived from ketamine, under the brand name Ketanest S, as a treatment for depression. Ketamine centers have been popping up throughout the country as of late … Continued

Sensory Deprivation Tanks: Effects on the Brain and Body

Imagine having better sleep, less stress, less pain, less depression, and more happiness – just by floating around doing nothing? These are some of the alleged benefits of a therapeutic tool known as sensory deprivation. Here, we’ll unveil what that is and some of the science-backed benefits it can provide. What is Sensory Deprivation? Sensory … Continued

Stem Cell Therapy: Prime Beginners Series

What Are Stem Cells? Cells are the basic building blocks of all living organisms. These cells are usually limited in their ability to replicate themselves. Stem cells are unique because they have the ability to differentiate into almost any body tissue type. They have the potential to replace dead body tissues by simply differentiating into the … Continued

Hormonal Changes for Men at 30

The 30’s are a time when the aging process starts to rear its ugly head for many of us. Maybe you’re feeling less athletic, more tired, or are having a harder time putting on muscle or losing weight. Often, the symptoms that start popping up around this decade are related to hormonal changes, which can … Continued